Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Is Israel becoming a pariah? Can we make it change course?

Follow the thread.  Write something to someone to stop Netanyahu from turning Israel into a pariah.

While you're at it, tell Iran to allow inspection of all nuclear sites. Tell Iran we want to welcome it back into the Family of Nations.

And tell the Horrible Saudis to stop meddling in Syria.


The New York Times depicts Netanyahu as a miserable blackmailer, using our elections to force a result he wants that most Americans (and most Israelis, too) don’t want. 

I don’t want Israel to turn into a rogue dictatorship, bad as the Nazis.  I’d love for somebody to prove me wrong. Write something to somebody to stop him.  Try Paul Ran.  Perhaps he has influence over Netanyahu.

On Aug 13, 2012, at 4:29 PM, rikisensee wrote:

nyt's editorial--
hope this can help!

The New York Times

August 13, 2012

Israel and Iran

Israeli leaders are again talking about possible military action against Iran. This is, at best, mischievous and, at worst, irresponsible, especially when diplomacy has time to run.
Iran’s nuclear ambitions are clearly dangerous to the region. Iranian leaders operated a nuclear program in secret for two decades and continued to invest in it even after its discovery in 2002. The government is outspoken in its hatred of Israel. It supports President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and extremist groups like Hezbollah. If Iran gets a weapon, other countries in the region may want one, too.
But while Israel’s defense minster, Ehud Barak, suggested on Israel Radio Thursday that Iran had made significant progress toward acquiring weapons capability — citing what he said was a new American intelligence report — there is no proof that Iran is at the point of producing a weapon. Obama administration officials would not confirm the existence of such a report, and, in any case, continue to insist strongly that Iran is not on the verge of achieving a weapon.
It is impossible to know what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning or why he has ignored American entreaties to give diplomacy a reasonable chance. There is, however, persistent speculation in Israel that Mr. Netanyahu wants to attack in the coming weeks in the belief that President Obama will be forced to support the decision because of his political needs in his re-election campaign. Such a move would be outrageously cynical.
Military action is no quick fix. Even a sustained air campaign would likely set Iran’s nuclear program back only by a few years and would rally tremendous sympathy for Iran both at home and abroad. The current international consensus for sanctions, and the punishments, would evaporate. It would shift international outrage against Mr. Assad’s brutality in Syria to Israel. Many former Israeli intelligence and military officials have spoken out against a military attack. And polls show that many ordinary Israelis oppose unilateral action.
Even so, Mr. Netanyahu’s hard-line government has never liked the idea of negotiating with Iran on the nuclear issue, and, at times, seems in a rush to end them altogether. On Sunday, the deputy foreign minister, Danny Ayalon, told Israel Radio that the United States and the other major powers should simply “declare today that the talks have failed.”
Of course, it is disappointing that the negotiations have made so little progress. No one can be sure that any mix of diplomacy and sanctions will persuade Iran to give up its ambitions. But the talks have been under way only since April, and the toughest sanctions just took effect in July.
There is still time for intensified diplomacy. It will be best served if the major powers stay united and Israeli leaders temper loose talk of war. 

--- On Mon, 8/13/12, Durell Douthit <ddouthit@mac.com> wrote:

From: Durell Douthit <ddouthit@mac.com>
Subject: Re: Netanyahu ready to bomb Iran?

Yahoo news reports that Paul Ryan was voted the Chief Brown-Noser in his senior high school class:  Republicans have nominated a brown-noser and a cowardly bully at the top of their ticket.  Our guy just smoked a little pakalolo.

And now Netanyahu threatens lots of killing.

I don’t mind killing as I used to do:  dead folks have no egrets, feel no loss, don’t miss sunrises or loved ones; and the world has plenty of people; maybe too many; we can afford to lose a few million; we’ll replace them quickly.  I don’t like the manner of  their taking off: bodies burned, ripped limb from limb, smashed to smithereens, split all ends up; but it’s all over in a few hours or days or months or years. And that’s the human way of it.

It’s the ones left behind whom I mourn.  It is not good to be left behind.  

I’ll stop Israelis from making suffering remainders, at home and in Iran.  I think I can sill do it.  I’m 100% successful to date.    I could use a little help, please.  Write something to someone.  Be indignant or mournful, a suits your temperament.  Play tricks on their minds.  Enjoy the act of writing to someone to prevent the Bombs from falling.


This one goes out to the one I love
This one goes out to the one 've left behind
A simple prop to occupy my time
This one goes out to the one I love

Fire (she's comin' down on her own, now)
Fire (she's comin' down on her own, now)


Baddog.Ltd accompanies the pic above with the words to this Iggy Pop song, thanks to capturedguy:
Lost Boys, Wayward Angels and Dead End Kids: Pikture 11
Get into the car
We'll be the passenger
We'll ride through the city tonight
We'll see the city's ripped backsides
We'll see the bright and hollow sky
We'll see the stars that shine so bright
Stars made for us tonight
And everything was made for you and me
All of it was made for you and me
So let's take a ride and see what's mine

Iggy Pop - The Passenger  Youtube:

If you don't know The Passenger, you should. Er, I didn't before this moment.  Velazquez would love it.
On Aug 12, 2012, at 6:22 PM, rikisensee wrote:

if he goes ahead, I'm afraid Obama will be drawn into war, lest Romney attack him for abandoning Israel.

doesn't anyone have the temerity to confront Netanyahu?

you've held them off so far--
quick, you've got to do something before it's too late to save us all--


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