Saturday, September 10, 2011

Goodbye to all that . . .

Walker Evans and American Life (1996)

"Social and cultural historians have examined the dramatic effect the Depression wrought upon the newly emergent middle class: an enormous spiritual anxiety grew as the middle class - unlike the working class and poor for whom economic struggle was an everyday reality - faced the prospect of economic annihilation for the first time."

To understand how multinational malefactors of great wealth - who this time around are not jumping out of high windows - are using the effect of economic uncertainty on the Middle Class to corrupt its institutions of representative government, read Goodbye to All That:  Reflections of a GOP Operative who Left the Cult.

May there be plenty of rich guys like Warren Buffett, and few like the Koch Brothers.

America and State Killings

Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of our fear. 
Let him not love the earth too deeply. Let him not laugh too gladly when the water runs through his fingers, nor stand too silent when the setting sun makes red the veld with fire. 
Let him not be too moved when the birds of his land are singing, nor give too much of his heart to a mountain or a valley. 
For fear will rob him of all if he gives too much.

                                  Alan Paton

Avid supporters of the death penalty, such as attended this week's Republican debate, are afraid of their own impulses, and are afraid of the impulses of others.  They cannot be too much moved by the singing of birds.

pity this busy monster, manunkind,


Or pity him a lot, depending upon your nature and mood.

The New York Times article below is a commentary on the audience's applause when Rick Perry, in a debate, said he supports official state killing.  The article presents various points of view, as is now usual in newspapers; and the points of view are of interest and provide a basis for long and engaging discussions.  

Immediately below is a comment on state killing by the author of the incomparable blog another country, which holds my point of view.

 Iran Celebrates the End of Ramadan:

Six hanged in the City of Ahvaz,
Three of Them for "Lavat" (sexual intercourse between men)

Iran Human Rights, September 5: According to the reports from Iran, six people were hanged in the Karoun prison of Ahvaz (southwest of Iran) early Sunday morning September 4th.

The state run Iranian news agency ISNA reported that three of those executed were sentenced to death by the Ahvaz revolution court, convicted of "unlawful" acts based on the articles 108 and 110 of the Iranian Islamic penal code. Articles 108 and 110 of the Iranian Islamic Penal code are part of the chapter covering the punishment of "Hadd" for "sodomy". Article 108 says: "Sodomy (or Lavat) is sexual intercourse between men”, and article 110 says:”Punishment for sodomy is killing; the Sharia judge decides on how to carry out the killing".

The men were identified as: "M. T.", "T. T." and "M. Ch." (age not mentioned for any of them) and besides being convicted of sodomy, had also committed other offences such as kidnapping and robbery, said the report.

The spokesperson of Iran Human Rights (IHR), Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, said: ”Yesterday’s executions for sodomy might be among the rare cases were the Iranian authorities admit to having executed men convicted of homosexual acts". He added: "Iranian authorities normally present such cases as rape, but rape as not been mentioned in this case".

IHR is currently investigating the case of the three men executed for sodomy.

According to ISNA, the three others executed in Ahvaz today, were "A. H." convicted of keeping and trafficking of 6309 grams of heroin, and "J. N." and "A. Sh." convicted of rape and robbery.

The report didn’t mention the age of those who were executed.

Amiry-Moghaddam warned about a new wave of executions scheduled for the coming weeks in Iran. He said: "After a short break in the executions due to the Holy month of Ramadan, we have received reports about many scheduled executions in the coming days and weeks in Iran". Amiry-Moghaddam added: "Many of the scheduled executions are planned to be carried out publicly".

Source: Iran Human Rights, September 5, 2011

SEPTEMBER 9, 2011, 7:15 PM

They Messed With Texas

A funny thing happened at the Republican debate at the Reagan Library in California on Wednesday night, when the evening’s co-moderator Brian Williams asked a question of Gov. Rick Perry of Texas. (Not funny ha-ha, funny peculiar.
For the text oriented among us, here’s what transpired.
WILLIAMS: Governor Perry, a question about Texas. Your state has executed 234 death row inmates, more than any other governor in modern times. Have you…
Have you struggled to sleep at night with the idea that any one of those might have been innocent?
PERRY: No, sir. I’ve never struggled with that at all. The state of Texas has a very thoughtful, a very clear process in place of which — when someone commits the most heinous of crimes against our citizens, they get a fair hearing, they go through an appellate process, they go up to the Supreme Court of the United States, if that’s required.
But in the state of Texas, if you come into our state and you kill one of our children, you kill a police officer, you’re involved with another crime and you kill one of our citizens, you will face the ultimate justice in the state of Texas, and that is, you will be executed.
WILLIAMS: What do you make of…
What do you make of that dynamic that just happened here, the mention of the execution of 234 people drew applause?
PERRY: I think Americans understand justice. I think Americans are clearly, in the vast majority of — of cases, supportive of capital punishment. When you have committed heinous crimes against our citizens — and it’s a state-by-state issue, but in the state of Texas, our citizens have made that decision, and they made it clear, and they don’t want you to commit those crimes against our citizens. And if you do, you will face the ultimate justice.
For some — in this case, opponents of the death penalty — this was sort of a double whiplash moment, a gasp within a gasp that may have been more confusing than mobilizing. Because which was more disturbing (or heartening, depending on your political view)? Perry’s unbowed defense of the “thoughtful” trial process in Texas and the clear expression of his untroubled mind in the face of possible moral doubt and complexity (i.e., Have I facilitated the death of an innocent human?)? Or the audience applause that bracketed the exchange, the rousing audience cheers for an aggressively applied death penalty? In California, mind you, not Texas.
Let’s look at the applause, the “execution cheer,” if you will. Because any number of analysts might have expected Perry to say what he said, but the cheer was a surprise — a welcome sort for some, but unwelcome for others.
This is the digital age, so let’s begin with an immediate outburst from Andrew Sullivan, who during his live blogging of the debate, wrote:
9.48 pm. A spontaneous round of applause for executing people! And Perry shows no remorse, not even a tiny smidgen of reflection, especially when we know for certain that he signed the death warrant for an innocent man. Here’s why I find it impossible to be a Republican: any crowd that instantly cheers the execution of 234 individuals is a crowd I want to flee, not join. This is the crowd that believes in torture and executions. Can you imagine the torture that Perry would authorize? Thank God he’s doing so poorly tonight.
The next morning, Sullivan’s former colleague, The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates, seemed somewhat less rattled, though hardly cheerier. “Apparently people were shocked by the applause here,” he wrote. “The only thing that shocked me was that they didn’t form a rumba line. It’s a Republican debate. And it’s America.” He continued:
Perry’s right — most people support the death penalty. It’s the job of those of us who oppose the death penalty to change that.
It’s worth remembering that no Democratic nominee for the presidency in some twenty years, has been against the death penalty. This is still the country where we took kids to see men lynched, and then posed for photos.
We are a lot of things. This is one of them.
Glenn Greenwald at Salon found it unwelcome, too. Actually he found it “creepy and disgusting.” (Greenwald, like Perry, is direct.). In a link-laden broadside, he wrote:
[I]t’s hardly surprising for a country which long considered public hangings a form of entertainment and in which support for the death penalty is mandated orthodoxy for national politicians in both parties.  Still, even for those who believe in the death penalty, it should be a very somber and sober affair for the state, with regimented premeditation, to end the life of a human being no matter the crimes committed.  Wildly cheering the execution of human beings as though one’s favorite football team just scored a touchdown is primitive, twisted and base.
All of that would be true even if the death penalty were perfectly applied and only clearly guilty people were killed.  But in the U.S., the exact opposite is true; see here to read about (and act to stop) a horrific though typical example of a very likely innocent person about to be executed by the State of Georgia.  That Perry in particular likely enabled the execution of an innocent man — as well as numerous other highly disturbing killings, of the young and mentally infirm — makes the cheering all the more repellent.  That the death penalty in America has long been plagued by a serious racial biasmakes it worse still.  That this death-cheering comes from a party that relentlessly touts itself as ”pro-life” and derides the other as The Party of Death — and loves to condemn Islam (in contrast to its war-loving self) as a death-glorifying cult — only adds a layer of dark irony.
That whole “perfectly applied” thing — the goal of which requires the person being put to death to actually be guilty — also troubled others. Marie Diamond at Think Progress Justice undertakes a thorough debunking of the idea that everyone executed in Texas in the past decade or so was guilty:
[D]uring Perry’s tenure as governor, DNA evidence has exonerated at least 41 people convicted in Texas, Scott Horton writes in Harper’s. According to the Innocence Project, “more people have been freed through DNA testing in Texas than in any other state in the country, and these exonerations have revealed deep flaws in the state’s criminal justice system.” Some 85 percent of wrongful convictions in Texas, or 35 of the 41 cases, are due to mistaken eyewitness identifications.
Those exonerations include Cornelius Dupree, who had already spent 30 years in prison for rape, robbery, and abduction when DNA evidence proved unequivocally that he was not the man who had committed those crime. Tim Cole, the brother of Texas Sen. Rodney Ellis (D), was posthumously pardoned a decade after he died in prison when DNA evidence proved his innocence. The total failure of the Texas courts to protect these innocent individuals reveal a system plagued by racial injusticesprocedural flaws, and a clemency review process that’s nothing but a rubber stamp on executions.
Leading the country in wrongful convictions probably should give Perry a moment’s pause about the reliability of a criminal justice process he described last night as “thoughtful.” …
And he may well have already executed an innocent man. The case of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in 2004 for the arson deaths of his three daughters and maintained his innocence until his dying day, will likely continue to haunt Perry throughout the campaign. Several scientists and forensics experts have questioned the evidence that led to Willingham’s conviction, but Perry “squashed” an official probe into his execution.
(Here is an interactive graphic of executions under Governor Perry, from the Texas Tribune.)
Taking another tack, political animal Steve Benen at Washington Monthly notes the apparent inconsistency in Perry’s much-discussed attitude towards science:
[W]e’re learning quite a bit about how Rick Perry thinks. Scientists tell him, after rigorous, peer-reviewed, international research that global warming is real, and Perry responds, “I don’t care.” A deeply flawed judicial process puts potentially-innocent Americans on death row, and Perry responds, “Let’s get the killin’ started.”
The governor balks when presented with evidence on evolution, abstinence education, and climate change, but embraces without question the notion that everyone he’s killed in Texas was 100 percent guilty. The scientific process, he apparently believes, is unreliable, while the state criminal justice system is infallible.
Intellectually, morally, and politically, this isn’t just wrong; it’s scary. The fact that Republicans in the audience found this worthy of hearty applause points to a party that’s bankrupt in more ways than one.
Of course, as Coates pointed out, this is America, and thus Perry’s stance was praised by some as proof (not scientific) that the governor was truly sympatico with the average American death penalty supporter.
An interesting opinion of this sort was aired by James Taranto at The Wall Street Journal. Taranto reaches way back to the year 2000 to a New Republic piece by Josh Marshall, which explained every other civilized country’s ban on the death penalty as political “elitism” — the populous in most countries support the death penalty, but their politicians forbid it. In other words, the political systems in these other countries are “morally superior” but “less democratic,” Marshall wrote. “[I]n Europe and Canada elites have exercised a kind of noblesse oblige. They’ve chosen a more civilized and humane political order over a fully popular and participatory one. It’s a perfectly defensible position — but it might not go over that well on ‘Crossfire.’ ”
(“Crossfire” was cancelled in 2005, but you get the picture, right?)
Eleven years on, Taranto elaborates, explaining the audience applause as rooted in a sort of patriotism:
It seems to us that the crowd’s enthusiasm last night was less sanguinary than defiant. The applause and the responses to it reflect a generations-old mutual contempt between the liberal elite and the large majority of the population, which supports the death penalty.
There are, of course, reasonable arguments against the death penalty. But opponents are too resentful at their inability to steamroll over public opinion as if this were Europe or Canada to argue their case effectively. One of their most ludicrous tropes is to liken the U.S. to authoritarian regimes that also practice capital punishment. In reality, as Marshall showed, America still has the death penalty because it is less authoritarian than Europe. Thus whenever someone makes that argument, we feel a tinge of patriotic pride. We believe a similar sentiment lay behind last night’s applause.
(Weirdly, the caption beneath the photo of Perry read simply, “Rick Perry has executive experience.” Italics mine.)
Another oddity of this dust-up was the digital shrapnel that hit Brian Williams for asking the obvious question. Matthew Sheffield at (devoted, in the site’s own words, to “exposure of liberal media bias, insightful analysis, constructive criticism and timely corrections to news media reporting.”) argued that Williams showed a lot of liberal elitist gall for even going there:
As someone who makes his living by trying to appeal, at least in some fashion, to the emotions of crowds, Williams’s inability to understand the audience’s spontaneous outbreak of applause response to his declaration that Texas “has executed 234 death row inmates, more than any other governor in modern times” is a classic case of a liberal elitist being unable to compute that his smugly held opinions are not shared by others. It was the media analog of 1988 Democratic presidential nominee’s Michael Dukakis’s anodyne response when asked in a debate about whether he would want a hypothetical murderer of his wife executed.
But perhaps I’m selling Williams’s perspicacity short. One suspects he would likely have understood a similar audience reaction were it to applaud enthusiastically a Democratic candidate’s firm support for abortion legalization. Such a response could equally be perceived as grisly but it seems unlikely that Williams would entertain such a thought.
Ann Althouse also accused Williams of baiting, not unlike a certain CNN anchor at a 1988 Democratic presidential debate:
Williams —skillfully — lures Perry into the realm of emotion. Perhaps he’s looking for a big moment, perhaps something like what happened to Michael Dukakis in the second presidential debate in 1988. Dukakis was against the death penalty, and the question asked by Bernard Shaw invited him to show some passion and fire about crime — what if your wife were raped and murdered? — and Dukakis stayed doggedly on his track, expressing coolly rational rejection of the death penalty.
In last night’s debate, Perry declined the invitation to show passion about death — the death of the convicted murderer — and, like Dukakis, he stayed coolly rational. In Sullivan’s words, he “shows no remorse” or “reflection” — but he did show reflection, reflection about the soundness of the system of justice. He didn’t show remorse. Remorse is what you ask a criminal to show. It was fine for Perry not to be lured into displaying angst over executions. But then I thought it was fine for Dukakis to keep from getting sidetracked by Shaw’s melodramatic hypothetical. All we’re talking about is the public’s response to the candidate and the journalist’s effort to create excitement. The difference is, most Americans support the death penalty, and they don’t need elaborate expressions about the deep significance of death when it’s the death of a convicted murderer.
Certainly, as Sept. 11 approaches, the idea of revenge is in the air, as are questions about it. Is vengeance the way of nations? Was it worth it? What is the difference between revenge and justice? Does violence merely beget violence? Greenwald, in the same post cited above makes the connection to the American cheering that followed the killing of Osama bin Laden. (“In all cases, performing giddy dances over state-produced corpses is odious and wrong.”)
Greenwald also cites Will Bunch at the Philadelphia Daily News, who believes he saw the national sentiment that Perry tapped into. Bunch calls the death penalty cheer “a shocking new low” in American politics. On Thursday he wrote: “[W]ith the 10th anniversary of 9/11 just four days away, everyone’s been looking for a window into America’s post-attack psyche. I think that, sadly, that window just opened wide in Simi Valley last night. I’ve never forgiven my own newspaper, the Daily News, for leading the Sept. 12, 2001, paper with an editorial headlined ‘Blood for blood’ that started out: ‘Revenge. Hold that thought.’ Obviously, we have — for coming up on a decade. The cheering of executions is the hallmark of a sick society one that’s incapable of tackling its real demons and looking for vengeance on whomever happens to be available.”
Given the tension in the air, and the 2012 election hovering, it’s not likely that the warring parties will come together on this or any other issue. But who knows? Maybe we’ll all wake up one morning and see the world differently. It’s happened before.Copyright 2011 The New York Times Company

Saturday, August 6, 2011

New news from Syria

New reports of  hope and violence from Syria:

From France             

Syria vows 'free elections' as pressure grows
DAMASCUS — Syria vowed on Saturday to hold "free and transparent" elections by the end of 2011 as Arab states in the Gulf joined a chorus of Western pressure over its deadly suppression of anti-regime protests.
An activist, meanwhile, said hundreds of tanks and armoured cars had been deployed in the northeastern city of Deir Ezzor and around Homs in central Syria.
"Syria will hold free and transparent elections that will give birth to a parliament representing the aspirations of the Syrian people," Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said in a meeting with ambassadors posted to Damascus,

Nobody trusts Asad, but it is interesting that the Gulf  Cooperation Council, which supports the violent oppression of citizens of Bahrain, is calling for an end of violence in Syria.  The GCC represents, I believe, the largest pool of unproductive money in the world. 

 The Security Council has at least condemned the violence.

From China:             

Syria's general elections to take place by end of 2011: FM   2011-08-06 22:53:37FeedbackPrintRSS

DAMASCUS, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al- Moallem said Saturday that the country's general elections will take place by the end of this year, adding that it would be "free and fair."
Al-Moallem made the statement during his meeting with foreign ambassadors in capital Damascus, in which he said the new parliament will represent the aspirations of the Syrian people.
The current parliament's four-year term has expired earlier this year, and President Bashar al-Assad will set a date for new legislative elections before the end of 2011.
The Syrian leadership is going on with the process of reform, al-Moallem said, adding that all the reform steps announced by the president will be implemented soon.
He voiced the Syrian leadership's keenness to maintain the security and stability of the country and to put an end to the sabotaging acts.
The Syrian leadership is still affirming that the only way out of the current ordeal is through a national dialogue, Al-Moallem told the ambassadors, adding that in the absence of the national dialogue "because of the negativity of the opposition," the leadership has to move on with the reform.
The foreign minister's remarks came as his country is facing an international outcry over the alleged crackdown on anti-government protestors. According to activists, more than 1,700 civilians have been killed since the crisis began in mid-March. . . .
. . . U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton accused the Syrian government of killing more than 2,000 of its own citizens during its alleged " ongoing brutal crackdown against opposition protesters." . . . .
Activists said some 25 people were killed Friday, while the official media said two police officers were killed by armed men, as thousands of anti-government protestors took to the streets across Syria calling for the downfall of the leadership and demonstrating solidarity with the city of Hama, which has been under military siege since last week.
The Syrian authorities repeatedly brushed off the international pressures as "interference in the country's affairs" and blamed the violent acts on armed thugs and ultraconservative Muslims who want to establish Islamic emirates nationwide. The authorities pledged that there would be no letup in its crackdown on the gunmen to restore stability and security to the country.
From Australia             

 Sydney mrning News:

President Dmitry Medvedev, in his toughest comments on Syria to date, said time was running out for Mr Assad to halt a crackdown against his people, hinting that the Kremlin, a traditional ally, may support tough action against Damascus in the UN if the bloodshed continues.
''People are dying there [in Syria] in large numbers, and that is causing us huge concern,'' said Mr Medvedev.
''Assad needs to urgently launch reforms, make peace with the opposition, restore civil order and create a modern state. If he cannot do that, a sad fate awaits him, and we will also be forced to ultimately take some decisions on Syria.''

From the United Arab Republic
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Al Jazeera

Government tanks and armoured vehicles have been rolled out in force in the northeastern city of Deir ez-Zor and around Homs in central Syria, an activist said.
"About 250 tanks and armoured cars have been deployed in four districts of Deir ez-Zor," Rami Abdel Rahman, of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, told the AFP news agency.
In Homs, "many armoured cars and other army vehicles have been posted in the Bab al-Sibaa district", Abdel Rahman said, adding that activists in the city had reported gunfire from early morning.He said tanks were also posted around the airport in Deir ez-Zor, where many residents have fled in fear of military action.
The deployment came after security forces killed at least 24 civilians on Friday in a nationwide crackdown on anti-government protesters. 

Images from  Deir ez-Zor:          

Better than our rail system

 Santa Monica of the east

Santa Monica on the Euphrates 

We'd'a said, back home, that the ground wasn't properly livilid for good irrigation

From Homs:               

 Industrial city; makes sulphuric acid

 Good sized city


Alawaites -- Muslim, perhaps Shia with Christian overtones (they celebrate Easter) -- who control Syria, are pretty awful folks; but least we forget, the Soviet Union was officially godless, and communist to boot, and killed millions; the Chinese are now mostly atheist or agnostic, and communist to boot, and killed millions; the German Nazis, mostly Lutheran or agnostic and socialist, killed millions; Pinoche in Chili and the Junta in Argentina, which killed and tortured hundreds of thousands in the name of capitalist, were Roman Catholic; The Roman Church. a theocracy, has a history bloodier than most and is responsible for the starvation of millions because of its opposition to population control; and the Tea Party is Evangelical Christian.  So, before I get on my moral high horse, I must say, a bunch of times, over and over, this chant, that the Cambodian Buddhists chanted in the Khmer Rough killing fields:

Hatred never ceases by hatred,
but by love alone is healed;
This is a great and eternal law.

Don't know any Buddhists who are or were million killers ,but I'm looking.  Seems unlikely that they escaped the general human condition.