Thursday, September 13, 2012

Our mess in Iraq -- still

We made a mess in Iraq.  We  -- the United Sates of America.  Bushco is the proximate cause, and we elected it.  Twice.  Our bad.  Yours and mie, if you can vote in the United States.  "Their" pain.

Those of us who opposed Bushco should have worked harder; resisted more strongly; risked more.  That goes double for Romney the Good Mormon Bully.

"Unintended" consequences.  For some of the unintended consequences  from Iraq -- what we now blithely call "collateral damage" -- see here.

The latest report of Bushco's Gift that Keeps On Giving comes from The Guardian:  the Iraqi government -- our Iraqi government -- is torturing and killing gays: gay men and boys, men and boys suspected of  being gay; men and boys who look as if thy might be gay.

Killing gays, governments torturing, raping, hanging us, will not long last. The practice will disappear in a mere two or three generations.  Millions of five-year-olds throughout the world may freely view images of extraordinary sexual explicitness of every variety there is  -- save only necrophilia, bestiality, and sex with children -- on the Web, and mores will change even in the Shiite, Mormon, and Roman Catholic traditions. Salafists, now enjoying a revival fueled by Saudi money, will be a thing of the past, though I suppose we, "this busy monster Man unkind" will invent new horrors.

A blog I posted a few days ago is of images of gay men.  The images are taken from blogs published freely in many counties and are available for viewing by the world's five-year-olds.  My blog is read -- or at looked at -- in many lands, including Muslim and Roman Catholic lands.  Yes, even in Utah.

Here are a few of the international images of gay men and boys available on the Web.  A great blog, another country, has an impassioned plea that all nations stop killing gays.

Innocent.  Sweet.  Naive, even.  And I would be killed in our Iraq.  Here, there has been no midnight knock on the door; my friends have not been interrogated; my internet has not been blocked.

While we await the a more accepting future, I would that our Secretary of State, with the hugh contingent of Mercenaries in Iraq at her disposal,  insist on some corrective action by the Iraqi government!

Write or call anyone you know or know about (Hillary Clinton, even if you don't know her) who has the authority to rescue our friends in Iraq from the doom we visit upon our friends.  Do it now.  



kP.a., Don't Bomb Iran.  Do encourage it to be more humane than its enemy, the Horrible Saudis.  Or thy Bad-enough Mormons.

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